DB Vision Analizer is an innovative software platform that radically improves the ORACLE database performance tuning process for mission critical systems. You will be able to identify, analyze and resolve Oracle database performance problems in less than half the time use to. Today hundreds of Oracle DBAs use NUCLI easy-to-use business intelligence tools to save time and rapidly identify application performance problems and find the optimal solution. No other Oracle tool implements the functionality of DB Vision Analizer. DB Vision Analizer allows performance boost by 65% in average. You will be able to find big issues right away and increase database performance in the first few days. Test and use DB Vision Analizer and improve ratios about:
Save up to 50% of time Developing and Testing Oracle Database based applications
Save up to 50% of Infrastructure Resources
Reduce up to 90% of Systems Downtime
Reduce up to 90% of time used to Oracle Database Tuning
Reduce up to 90% of time used to Analysis Reporting
With DB Vision Analizer you have immediate and continuous knowledge of application behavior and you can acces to information so far not available. You can compare old data with recent data and locate any problem related with new application deployment, new hardware upgrade, new software upgrade, ... and have acces to immediate suport on experts field.
And this means that in terms of
PRODUCTIVITY Improved levels of application service in terms of
CONTROL Continuous ORACLE database services auditing. Exact knowledge of the Oracle platform consumers actors
DIAGNOSIS Exact knowledge of the problem causes of loss of service regarding
QUALITY Improved quality of application development and improvement in the quality of projects
OPERATING COSTS Continuous reduction of the use of Oracle databases platform. Monitoring for your Oracle database services with an easy reporting tool